April 21, 1998

RICHMOND-On April 15, 1998, the Worker's Compensation Board of British Columbia (WCB) instituted new Health and Safety regulations in an effort to improve the safety of B.C. workers. These new regulations are the culmination of years of research and study conducted by the WCB for ways to reduce injury and death rates within industry in our province.

One area of concern has been how to protect workers when operating in confined spaces and other such hazardous work environments. Consider for a moment that it was your job to enter a sewer, tunnel, steel storage tank, or other such confined space for the purpose of conducting inspections, maintenance or repairs. Knowing that hundreds of times per year a worker's life ends in such a location is likely to affect your level of performance and concentration, you may even suffer severe claustrophobia.

Throughout North America there are millions of such locations and statistics show that a serious injury or death occurs in one of every 10 accidents in a confined space, which makes confined spaces 140 times more dangerous than a regular work environment. These spaces are also dangerous for rescuers. Statistics show that nearly two rescuers die for each worker who loses his/her life in a confined space.

During the past six years, a B.C. company has gained world prominence with communication equipment it designed specifically for the safety and protection of workers and rescuers involved in confined space operations. The company is CON-SPACE COMMUNICATIONS LTD. (VSE: CCB) headquartered in Richmond.

When asked to comment on the new regulations, Mr. James L. Swanson, Chairman of CON-SPACE stated, "As B.C. industry complies with these new safety regulations, they will be pleased to find that CON-SPACE equipment not only provides a higher level of worker safety, but also promotes increased job efficiency."

The company President, Mr. Terence A. Ibbetson, added, "We are seeing a world movement by Governments to institute confined space regulations similar to those from WCB." The United States, Britain, Australia and New Zealand already have such regulations in place and several other countries are developing similar rules. As CON-SPACE is already well established in these and several other countries Ibbetson concluded, "This gives B.C. industry a local company with lots of experience to assist them in understanding and complying with the new regulations in a cost effective manner."

James L. Swanson

For more information, please call James L. Swanson, Chairman CON-SPACE COMMUNICATIONS LTD., (604) 244-9323, (800) 755-2528 in the U.S., or by e-mail [email protected].

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