Fire Rescue and Hazmat Team Training

Western Cook County, IL played host to several Fire Rescue and Hazmat Teams training on CON-SPACE products. The site of the exercise was two abandoned houses that were made to look as though they were hit by a tornado (IMG 1). The teams used the CON-SPACE SearchCam 3000 to look for any possible victims trapped in the house (IMG 3). Using the camera, the operator was able to successfully find four “victims.” The snapshot picture provided, (IMG 2) captured using the SearchCam 3000 camera’s onboard picture memory, actually shows one these victims trapped next to the refrigerator and couch.

The CON-SPACE EntryLink Diversity System was also utilized by the Incident Commander to give him a set of eyes for viewing the victim extrication processes as the teams moved their way through the residence. Finally, the Talon Throat Mic module communication system was also supplied for voice communication between team members. This proved highly effective for the team communication as there was a lot of background noise from various saws, generators and other loud machinery.

All equipment and training on the use of the SearchCam 3000, EntryLink Diversity and Talon Throat Mic were supplied by CON-SPACE Sales Manager Bill Johnson.

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